Novine History > Reign of the Gleyks

The Gleyks who conquered the Novines were a highly evolved civilization at that time. Grim to behold this strange people look most like the great beetles from whom they claim to descend. Roughly at the size of a man Gleyks have six legs four of which have slender claw-like hands allowing them to move and act with great agility. Protected by a hard carapace sheltering their soft grub-like belly Gleyks are truly dreadful to behold with twisted leather-like faces and short tusks jutting out from each side of their mouth. It is said they were pilgrims like the Novines yet their origins seem to disappear in the dark forgotten ages of Cailorubia, a time where great battles were fought between the ancients. Bremian myths claim that Gleyks were one of the first creatures to enter Cailorubia and that the six-legged people taught them how to forge iron weapons to fight the Nennings.

Yet little did the Brem-Folk know of their kind mentors who desired nothing but to rule, corrupt and dominate. In the early ages when Novines had merely arrived the Gleyks had already spread throughout most of the known world in their quest to tame all people. Centuries slipped away in thraldom until the memory of Eoruvea was nothing more than a threadbare tale – deadened whispers through the dark tunnels of the scarab cities. As Bremians and Novines met myths were exchanged, tales of strange people to the east and south and rumours of an old people, the Old Ones, a mystic people of great power feared by the Gleyks. Little was hope yet as time passed myths became rumours and rumours became news – news of war spreading from the south, news of the Old Ones which had awoken and a strange alliance of people fighting the Gleyks. Soon the time would come for the Novines to join that war and change the new world for ever.

Novine History...

The Old World...

Into The Unknown...

The Pilgrimage...

First Settlements...

People of the Forest...

A Lost Brother...

The Nennings...

The Fall of Man...

Reign of the Gleyks...

Dusk of the Scarab...

Newfound Allies...

The Concordia...

Return of the Meia...

Blood of A Martyr...

Ason, The Prophet...

Siege of Ar-Gilema...

A New Era Begins...

Forming The Regno...