The Sibyllah

Responsible for curing the prehistoric Khalens from a deadly plague and mustering them against their foe, the Sar-Khalens, the Sibyllah are rightfully the founders of both the modern Khalen civilization and the Concordia itself. Little is known – or at least shared with the public – about the dark past of the world liberators, except that the invention of a drug called Soma plays an essential role in curing the Khalens and the forming of the Concordia itself.

Once a great movement that turned the course of history the Sibyllah is now little more than a secretive council acting as advisors to the Senate. Although critics claim they are the real power behind the throne the members of the Sibyllah count less than fifty people that are rarely seen outside the capitol of Askuhir. They seldom take directly part in the Senate, but their reputation as gifted seers, magicians and powerful priests make them both respected and feared throughout the world. It is said that in their Temple of the Deep Lake they see anything they wish to see and that deep within their hidden halls they guard the secrets of the Pilgrimage itself. The Sibyllah recruits their members purely from the fabled Heaorots – a mysterious Khalen lineage blessed with innate gifts. Claimed to be the descendants of an ancient civilization deeply rooted in Khalen myths the Heaorots look much like Khalens except they are much taller and easily recognized by their four arms and a flat bony horn on their foreheads.

Dressed in black robes typical of the Sibyllah caste the Heaorots are mostly found in Askuhir where they are treated as nobility, politicians and high priests of the sun god. Although the Sibyllah seldom show their presence outside the capitol, their influence stretches far across the known world, and they have numerous agents and informants throughout the major cities. One of them is the notorious Seekers Organisation known as the spies and agents of the Sibyllah.

Hired from the ranks of powerful spiritual creatures the Seekers are the secret intelligence of the council, and their members known as Black Leapers are known for their ability to travel through space. Dressed in black like their masters the Leapers travel in strange black egg-shaped vessels allowing them to appear seemingly out of nowhere – even in the farthest parts of the alliance. Their job is to ensure the interests of the council by collecting information, arresting enemies of the Concordia and clear out potential threats – and as much as they are respected for their great powers they are seldom appreciated by local authorities who think of them as erratic interveners working for their own agenda rather than in the interests of people they encounter.