Novine History > A New Era Begins

With the defeat of the Gleyks the world was open for people to rebuild their homes, reclaim their lands and for new powers to arise! The Blonians had reclaimed their homelands to the east although their time as an empire was over, Nennings now free from their thraldom began uniting the tribes to the north, Cuivings would roam the great forests freely again and the Novines saw their chance to take a fresh beginning. Ar Gilema became Arcolma and the land near the great river became their new home. Pacts were made, and soon the land of Libria took shape. A new timeline was established dating it’s beginning to the birth of the prophet, Ason. Scholars named it the Annus Novus or the new age, mostly referred to as A.N.

Novine History...

The Old World...

Into The Unknown...

The Pilgrimage...

First Settlements...

People of the Forest...

A Lost Brother...

The Nennings...

The Fall of Man...

Reign of the Gleyks...

Dusk of the Scarab...

Newfound Allies...

The Concordia...

Return of the Meia...

Blood of A Martyr...

Ason, The Prophet...

Siege of Ar-Gilema...

A New Era Begins...

Forming The Regno...