Novine History > The Blood of a Martyr

In the darkest of ages the great community will take form and the Old Ones will awaken. Know that the time draws near with the children of the lady. A man shall come bearing their blood in his veins and by his hand the scarabs will fall for he is the child of the twin gods.
- The Book of the Beast 7.1-4

As with many things of the new world the reign of the Gleyk lords would one day come to an end and the Novines would again be free. Long had the suffering pilgrims held a prophecy that one day, a man would come, a messiah who would cast away the yoke of thraldom and lead his people to freedom. That man was called Ason, and he was born less than thirty years before the great wars broke out in the south. According to ancient scripts Ason was born from a strange lineage, an exile branch of Novines which had escaped to the east. But in his veins ran also the blood of another people, namely that of the majestic Blonians. Legends have it that his great grandfather, Casperu married a queen of his exile home, Diva Alva – and from their union came a proud new people known as Divaluans, the Blood-Healers!

Novine History...

The Old World...

Into The Unknown...

The Pilgrimage...

First Settlements...

People of the Forest...

A Lost Brother...

The Nennings...

The Fall of Man...

Reign of the Gleyks...

Dusk of the Scarab...

Newfound Allies...

The Concordia...

Return of the Meia...

Blood of A Martyr...

Ason, The Prophet...

Siege of Ar-Gilema...

A New Era Begins...

Forming The Regno...