Gjurons > Thrallspawns
A sluggish race of mutated ilk the Gjurons are truly hideous to behold. Changed through centuries of genetic experiments Gjurons come in many shapes. Some are clawed warriors with crested faces, while others take shape of serpentine horrors. Sworn enemies of the Concordia the Gjuron empire became the bane of its ally, the Regno who succomb to their cruel warfare.

Gjurons are a race of vicious creatures, pirates of the Inland Sea, skilled merchants and treacherous rivals of the Concordia. Spawned from some ancient science of mutation and genetic experiments, the Gjuron race split into four subspecies each belonging to a strict racial hierarchy. The lowest form of Gjuron are runty creatures called Thrallspawns. Short and sluggish of stature Thrallspawns have green or brown skin, and are thought by some to be degenerated Blonians.

Gjurons in General...

The Pirate Empire...


Crestlings & Salamanders...

The True Masters...

Failed Diplomacy...