The olive-skinned Blonians are among the firstborn people, sons of the stars and world travellers, heirs of untold secrets from the dawn of time. Known for their love of knowledge and spiritual insight the Blonians are a secretive people lead by Middlers and conservative elders who prefer to keep their people well away from the troubles of the world.

Blonian MiddlerOne of the first great civilizations encountered by the early Novine explorers was that of the Blonians. This ancient culture claims to have existed in Cailorubia for more than a millennium and considers itself far more sophisticated than other lesser civilizations. The first glimpse of a Blonian diplomat must have marvelled the Novine pioneers as they appeared dressed in strange robes covering their sheen olive-coloured skin. As a last reminiscence of their distant underwater ancestors the Blonians have smooth green-brown skin, hairless and vulnerable to the lack of moist air and frequent submergence in water.

Blonians in General...

A Majestic People...

The Secret Cities...

The Middler Guild...