Divaluans > Bane of the Gleyks
These graceful half-breeds are mystic creatures sharing in their blood many aspects that grant them both benevolent powers of healing as well as an eerie bond with the insect world. Myths say that not only do the Divaluans share blood with Blonians and Novines, but also the ancient strength of the Meia and the Gleyks.

After having brought the Divaluans to a secret place Nantha then told them what the gods had planned – they were to become sacred beings sharing not only the blood of Blonians and Novines, but also the very essence of good and evil. She then gave her own blood to them so that they would forever share her strength and wisdom, and she gave them the blood of a great worm. From that day the Divaluans became mystic creatures, in their veins ran the purple healing blood of the Meia and the dark blood of the Gleyks granting them strange senses and the power to command insects. They became warriors, healers and hunters, forever bound to their purpose of hunting the treacherous Gleyks and their ilk. Today Divaluans still carry out their sacred task from hidden strongholds deep within the Avoa, yet some of them have left their mystic home and returned to the embrace of civilization as merchants, heralds of the Twin Gods, and the fabled Far Singers, who guard the secrets of flight and as the kin of Blonians are the only travellers permitted in their secluded cities.

Divaluans in General...

The Blood Healers...

Divaluan Origins...

Gift of Grandmother...

Bane of the Gleyks...